High Efficiency Systems

In times of rising energy costs, new systems put more and more emphasis on the best possible efficiency. Here, Franklin Electric has set a new benchmark with its High Efficiency Systems (HES). Compared to standard asynchronous motors, energy savings of more than 20% have been achieved in numerous systems installed worldwide.

But how are these energy savings achieved? It is the combination of perfectly matched components and their control: motor, pump, frequency drive and output filter. The total rotor losses of a Permanent magnet motor are eliminated, resulting in a significant improvement in efficiency. In addition, the PM motor has less temperature heat rise and requires lower Amps to run at the same pump load.

In solar applications there are even more clear advantages, because the MVPT algorithm of the Franklin HES maximizes the system performance. In addition, the Franklin advanced voltage boost function makes it possible to size your system based on power rather than voltage, saving you up to 50 % on solar panels compared to a standard system.