EHsp Horizontal Self-Priming Multistage Pumps in action at the Civil Protection in Longare (Vicenza Italy)
Franklin Electric is committed to man and nature, and so is the Municipal group of Civil Protection Colli Berici OdV in Longare. Franklin supports the association with equipment. A pump has now been installed to supply clean water to the group’s headquarters.
Clean water thanks to Franklin
The group of Civil Protection Colli Berici OdV needed a surface centrifugal pump and contacted Franklin Electric in Dueville with a request for a technical proposal. Franklin Electric had already supported the volunteer group in the past and immediately offered its help. In July 2020, after reviewing the situation, the Franklin Electric team installed a single-phase EHsp type self-priming pump with a 24-liter tank, pressure switch and pressure gauge.
The pump, which is connected to an existing pipe system, draws clean water from a well about 5 meters deep, which in turn is fed by a resurgent water vein. The pump was installed above the well in a soundproof and insulated cabin.
The water is used to wet the green area around the group headquarters and to wash the vehicles and equipment used during the activities. A water analysis is now organized to find out whether the water has drinking water quality. If so, it can be used to supply the hydraulic system of the headquarters.
Based on the technology of the horizontal multistage EH pump, the EHsp has a design innovation. A special elastic valve allows air that is present in the system to escape in less than 5 minutes and up to 7 meters of ascent. During start-up, this elastic valve, located in the first stage, opens to let the air escape from the system and suck water into the pump. When the pressure arrives at a certain point, the valve closes and the pump reaches the required performance. These functions make the pump a reliable partner on the premises of the Colli Berici group.
The headquarters of the Colli Berici OdV group is located in a 14th century house originally built by the Magistrato delle Acque of the Serenissima Republic of Venice to control and regulate the waters of the Bacchiglione (which flows below and next to the house) and the Tesina, which flows into the Bacchiglione at about 150 meters upstream.
Voluntary help in times of Corona
Since the Colli Berici OdV Civil Protection group is an integral part of the community in which it operates, during the recent Covid 19 pandemic, the volunteers kept the population informed of the government’s precautions and distributed protective masks, food and medicines to the elderly or needy people.
The group was contacted by some local tailors who donated washable and reusable masks. A sales campaign for the masks was then organized with the aim of raising funds for the purchase of two automatic defibrillators, which then were installed in easily accessible public spaces and are used in case of emergency (after appropriate training).
At Easter, during the shutdown, the group distributed the typical Italian Easter cake Colomba, and in agreement with the Municipality, to children under 6 years of age, who were particularly affected by the lock-down and were unable to meet peers. In gratitude, the children gave the volunteers pictures and drawings that now decorate the walls of the group’s headquarters.
The group has no direct source of income to finance the activities itself. Therefore, the members provide services that are not part of the standard activities defined by the Italian Civil Defense Office. These activities are carried out aside from the group in order to receive donations in return, which are used to purchase or maintain equipment such as safety equipment, tools or clothing.
For these reasons, the OdV Civil Protection Group Colli Berici is »proud to count on a partner like Franklin Electric, which has not only its technical competence but also a particular sensitivity to environmental issues, taking into account the needs of the municipality of Longare and the service ideals of the local Civil Protection Group«. the Mayor of Longare during the handover of the pump in July said.